About Us

Publishing Team

Our Commitment

Midway Publishers assists writers in achieving their dream of becoming published authors and establishing a presence in the market. Established with a vision to simplify and streamline the self-publishing process, Midway Publishers has flourished since its inception in 1997. Our dedication to providing top-tier book publishing and marketing services has positioned us as a leading self-publisher globally.

Midway Publishers is dedicated to delivering unparalleled customer service in the publishing industry. We assign a dedicated publishing consultant to each of our authors, ensuring personalized guidance throughout the publishing journey. Our consultants invest extensive time and effort in assisting authors at every stage of the process, guaranteeing a seamless experience.

At Midway Publishers, authors have the freedom to choose from a variety of tools and services that align with their goals. We prioritize the retention of rights and uphold editorial control, ensuring authors maintain autonomy over their publishing journey. With Midway Publishers, you steer your own path in the publishing world.

What Makes Midway Publishers Stand Out

At Midway Publishers, one of the distinctive advantages is the opportunity for authors to pitch their book to industry experts in Hollywood, facilitating potential adaptation into film or television projects.

Amanda Brown, an author with Midway Publishers, serves as an exemplary case, demonstrating the potential for book-to-film adaptations. Her book "Legally Blonde" garnered immense success, leading to the sale of movie rights and the creation of a blockbuster film starring the renowned actress Reese Witherspoon.

Midway Publishers' Hollywood Book-to-Screen PitchFest offers an exclusive opportunity for our published authors to pitch their stories to film and TV executives. Our team provides coaching and guidance to help authors craft compelling elevator pitches that resonate with producers. This unparalleled experience has been cherished by our authors, making it an unforgettable journey time and time again.

Meet Our Team

Navigating the self-publishing journey can be daunting, but you don't have to go it alone. At Midway Publishers, we're here to support you every step of the way with a dedicated team ready to assist you at every stage of the process.

Meet Our Authors

Midway Publishers has propelled authors to notable recognition, spanning traditional publishing and broader acclaim, encompassing diverse domains and esteemed personalities, setting new standards in the industry.